Specializes in the marketing of fishmeal, fishoil and agricultural commodities
Since 1979

MSICeres S.A.C.


MSICeres S.A.C. Was formed in the year 2002 as a result of merging M.S. International S.A. (founded in 1984) and Corporacion Ceres Peruana S.A. (founded in 1979).

Specializes in the marketing of fishmeal, fishoil and agricultural commodities. We are members of the S.N.P (National Fishery Society), IFFO (International Fishmeal and Fishoil Organization) and the American Chamber of Commerce, Lima. We act as buying/selling agents for several international trading companies, importers and users, who span the globe, and thus cover every conceivable market the world over. Our professional staff prides itself not only on sourcing the product, but also on carrying out the successful execution and collections involved in the demanding world of fish and agri products.

Daily news

IMARPE  quota 2,510,000 started Nov 1st..so far DEC 5th landed 1,251 k MT 50% OF THE QUOTA ….

Market traded higher  and bids continue now  at $1620 cfr china super prime menus  feb/mch  …

Revised Exports Jan/Oct 2024 @ 880,561K MT (China 791.2K MT a share of  89.86%) …. 

Zero landings in the SOUTH  fleet on idle … total S2/2024 @ 38,628 MT  by nov 21st  …quota covered 15.4 %  

ENFEN last report Nov  18th …status NOT ACTIVE …neutral to colder waters until march 2025 …next report Dec 13th 

rmb/usd Dec 6th  @ 7.27…. 

Stocks in China now at 280.8k MT DEC 5/2024  … arrivals S1/2024 ex PERU smaller and  slower….offtakes bordering about 4k /day….

new crop PRESALES est 410KMT .. trades now level firmer  $1620 MT CFR Super menu and producers passing on sidelines …

Maps / Producers

If you love geography as much as we do, welcome to an in depth view of Peru. Province by province check out where each producer makes a name for himself.

Our Team

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James Frank

Managing Director

Born in Peru. Graduate of State University of New York at Stony Brook. Has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Statistics and a Minor in Technology and Society. First worked with Continental Grain Co., in USA, then in Conti Peru as Trading Manager until 1987. Has been in the fishmeal trade since its rebirth in 1980, and has been an integral part of the innovative changes throughout the years.

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Charles Levy

Managing Director

Born in New York, USA. Holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from the State University of New York at Binghamton and a Masters degree in the Teaching of Social Science from Brown University in Rhode Island, USA. Before joining the family business in 1993, he worked in the USA for Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation. He then served as Manager of Pechiney World Trade in Peru

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Elaine Frank

Finance Manager

Graduate of Adex: Peruvian Association of Foreign Trade. Elaine has been with the company since its founding in 1979. She concentrates on administration and finance.



(51-1) 289-0130